Diabetes: A constitutional disease characterized by an excessive discharge of pale, sweet and heavy urine, contaning grape sugar.
SYMPTOMS:In shortly, the burning symptoms of diabetes are, excessive debility, Red and fissured tongue, enlarged papillae circumvallate, intense thirst, frequent micturition, voracious appetite and sinking at the stomach, the bowl are usally costive, and the evacuations dry and hard, The skin is harsh and dry, and the breath has sometimes a peculiar smell like newly mown kay or acetone. Boils, or corbuneles, swelling of the legs, etc, may accompany the disease. In advanced stages, some form of lungs inflammation, or phthisis, is not an frequent complication. The in satiable thirst. Uninterruptedly torturing the patient, is highly characteristic symptoms. The temperature is almost uniformaly below the normal, rarely exceeding 97○ , and some times being as low as 94 or 95. These are the symptoms of true Diabetes mellitus, a disease which is all but incurables and sometimes fatal. But there are conditions when sugar is passed, often in quantity, for years without apparently serious effect on the health. These conditions generally occur in later life, in all forms of glycosuria, dieting will diminish the amount of sugar. In the less serious conditions it may relieve all serious symptoms or even cure the patient, in the grave cases, however, it only defers an almost inevitable end the symptoms of all kinds of glycosuria are similar, though naturally they are more marked in graver cases, These last generally end in coma, which is associated with the presence of acetone in the urine, the quantity of urine us generally in g reat excess, amounting to from eight to twenty or even thirty pints daily, including frequent calls to micturate day and night, and producing soreness and inflammation of the urethra. Thirty pints of urine of the specific gravity of 1030- 1060, which is about the heaviest, contains nearly four punds of sugar, In a few months patient offten pass a quantity of sugar equal in weight to that of their own bodies.
Acetic Acid: Diabetis with copious watery urine with or
without sugar, great thirst, weakness, pallor and loss of flesh.
Lac Vacc. Defi. Copious, watery urine with great thirst; also copious, dense urine. Weajness, anaemia.
Aresenicum Brom. An excellent remedy for diabetes with constipation and thirst. Give in IX dilution three drops a dose thrice daily.
Thyroidin.An exellent remedy for diabetes melitus when symptoms appear with great rapidity and extrem weakness.
Acid Phos. Diabetes in nervous patients. The urine is increased. It is of milky colour and countains much sugar. Great debility and bruised feeling in muscles. Diabetes due to grief, worry and anxiety. Sure cure for diabetes in early stages. There may be boils.
Syzygium. It is considered to be very efficacious in diabetes and in blood sugar. Great thirst and passing of urine in large quantities. Dose; 5 to 10 drops in mother tincture 3 times in a day.
Uranium Nit:Diabetes du to defective assimilation. Urine. Enormous appetite and thirst. It is highly praised in diabetes origatung in dyspesia. Grea thirst, polyuria when the stomach is full.
Argentum Met: Excessive urination with sugar in urine.
Natrum Mur: Diabetes in gouty persons, with dryness of skin; itch all over the body. Restless. Yawing and.
Lactic Acid: Diabetes with rheumatism.
Thuja: Diabetes in patients who suffered from gonorrhoea; nervousness; sleeplessness; constipation;palpitation of heart at times; sugar in urine.
Glycerine: Diabetes with weakness, headache, dyspnoea, sugar in urine with acetone. With or without albumin or casts and with or without rheumatism.
Picric Acid: Sugar with intense thirst and copiosu urination at night.
Moschus: Diabetes associated with impotency.
Taraxacum: Diabetes with urging to urinate, Copious discharge of urine.
Alumen: Diabetes with obstinate constipation. Stools flat and thic, taking a long time to evacuate the bowels fully.
Chionanthus Vir: For pre- diabetic state and diabetes in patients suffering from liver disease, great thirst. abundant dark urine with presense of biliary pigments and glucose. Insulin resistant.
Aluminium Met: In diabetic coma with drowsiness, Constipation but passing of urine off and on involuntailly. \Give in 200 dilution.
Carbo Animalis: Diabetes in fatty persons with thirs and passing urine a number of times. Flatulence and contipation present.
Arsenic Alb: An excellent remedy but most neglected by professions in treating diabetes. It has dry brittle scaly skin, dryness of the mouth, tongue and trachea with unquenchable thirst, loss of appetite and contipation. Burning sensation in abdomen extending to the mouth. The patient dwindles down to a mere skeleton. He loses strength and sometimes his teeth. The patient is fastidious, wants his clothing neat and clean, wants everything placed in proper place.
Cantharis: Diabetes complicated with albuminuria.
Carbo Veg: Great dryness in the mouth early moring, excessive thirst and hunger, pain in the liver as if bruised. Sudden weakness and fainting, physical depression and lassitude.
Arnica M: When diabetes he due to a blow on the liver.
Nux Vom: Diabetes with stupor and vertigo, buzzing in the ears, sleeplessness, All these are due to brain and spinal cord affections.
Graphites: Diabetes in broken down, gouty and rheumatic constituions with emaciation and general debility, twitching of the limbs and paralytic weakness of joints. Uneasy with sleepless nights.
Plumbum: Diabetes mellitus with constipatuib, albumin and casts in urine.
Phosphorus: Used in diabetes and pancreatic diseases especially in those of tubercular or gouty diatheses. Restlessness and dryness of mouth. Quantity of urine passed is about 4 to 5 pints in 24 hours. Thirst for cold water.
Ratanhia: Scanty urine in diabetes.
In the disease, the diet will vary according to the age, occupations, severity and even sex of the patient. Patients undergroup insulin thrapy will require a stablished diet in accordance with ammount of insulin taken. Fully the intricacies of diabetic diet, I will discuss on other time, InshaAllah, but the basic principals should be remembered i.e. that every substance countainging sugar are that is readily convertible into it, should be avoid. Today, one is able to buy specially prepared diabetic foods, including bread, jams, chocolates, beverages, …………………….. etc, and it is therefore unnecessary for the diet to become either monotonus unappetising.
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