In Epileptic Fit/ Seizure/ Convulsions Use these Homeopathic Medicine

اینٹھن بے ہو شی مر گی کا دور

اچانک دماغ میں غیر معمو لی بر قی لہر سے اینٹھن / بے ہو شی/ یا مرگی کے دو رے کی کیفیت پید ا ہو جا تی ہے۔ مریض کی نقل و حرکت نا گوار ہو تی ہے اور اس کے ہو ش و حو ا س گم ہو جاتے ہیں۔ تو ا س صو 
رت میں مند رجہ ذیل ہو میو ادویا ت استعمال کریں۔

200x  ایگریکس
دما غی کشید گی کی وجہ سے جھٹکے ، اینٹھن، کپکی اور خارش۔

200xبیلا ڈو نا 
شدید گرمی کے ساتھ بچوں میں اینٹھن، سرخی، اور کپکی، دماغ میں خون کے جماؤ سے متعلقہ مرض۔

200xبو فو
مر گی کی علا مات کے ساتھ اینٹھن ، دورہ را ت کو سو تے وقت آ تا ہے ۔
عالم شبا ب کی کیفیت مثلا حیض ، ہم بستری یا نا مردی سے متعلقہ امراض کی وجہ سے۔
شدید تیز پا گل پن ، اشتعال انگیزی کے ساتھ
زخم کی وجہ سے 
ٹیٹنس میں

200xسائیکو ٹا
سر کی چو ٹ سے اعضا ء کو شدید نقصان
مر یض اشتعا ل انگیز
مڑے ہوئے با زو اور ٹانگیں سیدھی نہ ہوسکیں
سیدھے اعضاء مڑتے ہیں
کراہنے رونے اور چیخنے کے ساتھ

پیٹ کے کیڑو ں کی وجہ سے جھٹکے ، اینٹھن ، با زوؤں میں کپکی ، با ئیں پا ؤں کی مسلل بے قا ئدہ حرکت، دا ئیں ہا تھ کی انگلیوں میں اچانک اند ر کی طرف اینٹھن
بچوں میں رات کے وقت مر ض کا حملہ

کیو پر م میٹ 200
مر گی کی بے ہو شی ، جھٹکن اور اینٹھن انگلیوں ، ہتھیلی اور انگو ٹھوں سے شر وع ہوتی ہے۔
شدید سکڑن آمیز درد
بے ہو شی
منہ سے جھا گ نکلنا ، چہرہ بد نما ہو نا۔
جبڑوں کا مڑ جا نا ، ہو نٹ نیلے

ہا ئیو سا ئیمس(200
کپکی ، مر ض کی شدت سے تیز ہو جا تی ہے ، جسم کے تما م پٹھو ں میں اینٹھن کے جھٹکے
پنڈلیوں اور انگو ٹھو ں میں جکڑن 
گہری نیند میں مر گی کا دو رہ 
خو اتین کو درد زہ یا ما ہو اری کے دوران

اگنیشیا (200
اینٹھن ، اشتعال یا دکھ ، اداسی یا خوف کی وجہ سے 
بچو ں کو جسمانی سزا دینے پر، ہسٹریا یا زدہ خواتین میں 
سارے جسم میں کھنچاؤ اور سکڑن

More Info Dr. Shahid Rafiq 0092-322-6203020
Dr. M. Akram Bhatti 0092-301-6026900 

In Tumour of the Brain Take this homoeophaty medicine

دما غ کا ٹیو مر (Tumour of the Brain)

کلکیر کا رب (Calcaria Carb 200x)

گھبرا ہٹ ، سر کا فی بھر ا ہوا ہو۔ کھو پڑی کی جلد میں چھیدنے جیسا چھبتا ہو ا درد ہو
مریض سر میں اور اس کے آس پا س بر ف جیسی سر دی محسو س کر ے
کلکیریا کا رب کا اثر نہ کر نے پر ککیریا فلور 30x یا کلکیریا فا س 30x دینی چا ہئے
سر د اور مر طوب مو سم میں حا لت بد تر

کو نیم (Konium 200x)
سر کی جلد میں کسی بیرو نی چیز کے ہو نے کا احساس
سر میں جھلسنے جیسا احساس
بستر پر پڑے رہنے یا کر وٹ بدلنے پر یا آنکھیں گھمانے سے چکر آتا ہے 
چلنا مشکل لڑکھڑاہٹ چلنے پر اچانک کمزوری محسو س ہو

تھو جا (Thoja 200x)
مریض کے چہر ے پر پسینہ آتا ہے ۔ وہ حساس اور چڑ چڑا ہو جا تا ہے۔

(Tuber Conium 200x) ٹیو بر کو نیم
 ایک خطر نا ک مسئلہ ہے۔ دما غ کے ٹیو مر کی وجہ سے بینا ئی کو نقصان ہو تا ہے، مریض کی شخصیت میں تبدیل ، پٹھو ں کی نقل و حر کت میں تا ل میل کی کمی وغیرہ علامات نما یاں ہیں۔ مر گی کا دورہ بھی پڑسکتا ہے۔ سر درد کے ساتھ کبھی کبھی قے بھی آتی ہے۔ سر درد صبح کے وقت زیا دہ شدید ہو تا ہے۔ مریض کو سر گھما نے سے درد اور چکر آتا ہے۔ متلی اور قے کے ساتھ سر درد دما غ کے ٹیو مر کے ساتھ شدید ما ئیگرین اور درد ہو نے پر یہ دوا لیں دوا کی ایک خو راک کے ساتھ علاج شر و ع کریں۔ یہ مرض کو روک سکتی ہے اور سر درد کم کر سکتی ہے

For More Info:                  Dr. Shahid Rafiq        0322-6203020
For Admission and other   Dr. M. Akram Bhatti 0301-6026900

List of homeopathic terminologies and homeopathic abbreviations...

AAP American Academy of Pediatrics
ABAI American Board of Allergy and Immunology
ABFP American Board of Family Practitioners
ABO American Board of Otolaryngology
ABPN American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
AK Acupuncturist (Pennsylvania)
ANP Adult Nurse Practitioner
AOBFP American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians
AOBSPOMM American Osteopathic Board of Special Proficiency in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
AP Acupuncture Physician
ASG Affiliated Study Group
BCFM Forensic Examiner in Medicine Board Certified
BHMS Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
BHMS (Cal) Bachelor in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (Calcutta)
BSN Bachelor of Science, Nursing
BVScAH Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
CA Certified Acupuncturist
CAAPM Clinical Associate of the American Academy of Pain Management
CAC Certified Animal Chiropractor
CCD Certification in Chronic Disease
CCH Certified in Classical Homeopathy
CCN Certified Clinical Nutritionist
CCSP Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician
CHES Certified Health Education Specialist
CHom Certified Homeopath
CHt Certified in Hypnotherapy
CNHP Certified Natural Health Professional
CNM Certified Nurse Midwife
CNP Certified Nurse Practitioner
CNS Certified Nutrition Specialist
CPM Certified Professional Midwife
CRM Certified Reiki Master
CRNP Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner
CRRN Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse
CSI Certified SHEN Physioemotional Release Instructor
CSPOMM Certified Specialty of Proficiency in Osteopathic Manipulation Medicine
CTHom Certified Trained Homeopath (ESSH School of Homeopathy)
CVA Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist
CVC Certified Veterinary Chiropractor
CVH Certified Veterinary Homeopath
DAAPM Diplomate of American Academy of Pain Management
DABFP Diplomate of the American Board of Family Practice
DABHM Diplomat of American Board of Homeopathic Medicine
DABIM Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine
DAc Diplomate in Acupuncture
DAc (RI) Doctor of Acupuncture, Rhode Island
DAc (WV) Doctor of Acupuncture, West Virginia
DACBN Diplomate of American Chiropractic Board of Nutrition
DAch Diplomate of Acupuncture
DAcu Diplomate of Acupressure
DACVD Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology
DC Doctor of Chiropractic
DD Doctor of Divinity
DN Doctor of Natrology
DDS Doctor of Dentistry
DHANP Diplomate of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians
DHom Diploma/Homeopathy
DHM Postgraduate Diploma of the British Institute of Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine
DHMS Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (India)
DHt Diplomate in Homeotherapeutics
DIHom Diploma of the British Institute of Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine
Dip NIH Diploma in Homeopathy by National Institute of Homeopathy (Calcutta)
DMD Doctor of Medical Dentistry
DN Doctor of Natrology
DNBHE Diplomate of the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners
DO Doctor of Osteopathy
DOM Doctor of Oriental Medicine
DPM Doctor of Podiatric Medicine
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
FAAEM Fellow of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine
FAAFP Fellow of the American Academy of Family Practitioners
FAAP Fellow of the Association of American Pediatrics
FACFAOM Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Medicine
FACFO Fellow of the American College of Foot Orthopedics
FACGP Fellow of the American College of Family Practice
FACOG Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
FAGD Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry
FBIH Fellow of the British Institute of Homeopathy
FCAH Fellow of Canadian Academy of Homeopathy
FIACA Fellow of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture
FIAOMT Fellow of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
FICCMO Fellow of the International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics
FNP Family Nurse Practitioner
GCEH Graduate Course in Classical/Educational Homeopathy
HASG Homeopathic Affiliated Study Group
HLL Homeopathic Laymen's League
HMA Homeopathic Medical Assistant
HMC Homeopathic Master Clinician
HMD Homeopathic Medical Doctor (Nevada)
HNC Holistic Nurse Certified
HSG Homeopathic Study Group
JD Juris Doctorate
LAc Licensed Acupuncturist
LCH Licentiate of the College of Homeopathy (UK)
LCh Licensed Chinen Herbologist LCSW
LCSW Licensed Certified Social Worker
LicAc Licensed Acupuncturist
LL Laymen's League
LM Licensed Midwife
LMT Licensed Massage Therapist
LN Licensed Nutritionist
LNC Licensed Nutritionist Counselor
MD Doctor of Medicine
MD(H) Homeopathic Medical Doctor (Arizona)
MFCC Marriage, Family and Child Counselor
MN Master of Nursing
MNNP Master of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner
MPH Master of Public Health
MRCP Master of Royal College of Physicians
MRCVS Member of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
MSEd Master of Education
MSN Master of Nursing
MSW Master of Social Work
MTS Master of Theological Studies
NCCA National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists
ND Doctor of Naturopathy
ND* Doctor of Nursing
NM Nurse Midwife
NMD Doctor of Naturopathy
NP Nurse Practitioner
OMD Doctor of Oriental Medicine
PA Physician Assistant
PA-C Physician Assistant Certified
PhD Doctor of Philosophy
PsyD Doctor of Psychology
PT Physical Therapist
RMT Registered Massage Therapist
RN Registered Nurse
RN-C Registered Nurse Certified
RNCS Registered Nurse Clinical Specialist
RN/NP Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner
RPh Registered Pharmacist
RPT Registered Physical Therapist
RSHom (NA) Certified by the North American Society of Homeopaths
SG Study Group
TRS/CTRS Therapeutic Recreational Specialist
VMD Veterinary Medical Doctor

Homeophathic Library

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Research Study Shows Effectiveness of Homeopathy in Insomnia

Research Study Shows Effectiveness of Homeopathy in Insomnia

News Source: 
European Community for Homeopathy
News Date: 
September 13, 2010

Measurable effects of homeopathic medicines in insomnia

A research team at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson (USA) recently examined the effects of one dose of placebo versus either Coffea Cruda 30c or Nux Vomica 30c in relatively healthy young adult human subjects with a past history of coffee-induced insomnia.
They used polysomnography (PSG), which can distinguish divergent findings, if present, between subjective sleep complaints and objective all-night sleep recording assessments in certain types of insomnia.
The authors refer to multiple studies on healthy animals that have shown measurable effects on sleep of three different homeopathic medicines at potencies prepared to a dilution past Avogadro’s number (Histamine, Coffea Cruda, and Nux Vomica) compared with placebo. In these studies each medicine at a 30c potency altered sleep patterns notably with differential effects on electroencephalographic delta frequency (0.5– 2.5 Hz) power during sleep, while other investigators have demonstrated effects of Nux Vomica 30c on alcohol-induced sleep time in mice.
The authors argue that the relative lack of objective measures to evaluate homeopathy in human subjects has thus far hindered advances in both clinical care and research. Polysomnography, in their opinion, can offer a potentially valuable tool for homeopathic investigations.
In this trial young adults of both sexes (ages 18–31) were included with above-average scores on standardized personality scales for either cynical hostility or anxiety sensitivity (but not both) and a history of coffee-induced insomnia. At-home polysomnographic recordings were obtained on successive pairs of nights once per week for a total of eight recordings (nights 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23).
Subjects (N = 54) received placebo pellets on night 8 (single-blind) and verum pellets on night 22 (double-blind) in 30c doses of one of two homeopathic medicines, Nux Vomica or Coffea Cruda. Subjects completed daily morning sleep diaries and weekly Pittsburgh sleep quality index scales, as well as profile of mood states scales at bedtime on polysomnography nights.
This study demonstrated that the homeopathic medicines significantly increased PSG total sleep time and NREM, as well as awakenings and stage changes. Findings are similar though not identical to those reported in animals with the same medicines. Possible mechanisms include initial disruption of the nonlinear dynamics of sleep patterns by the homeopathic medicines.
Bell IR et al (2010). Effects of homeopathic medicines on polysomnographic sleep of young adults with histories of coffee-related insomnia. Sleep Medicine, doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2010.03.013

Homoeophaty In Pakistan, and Homoeo courses

Homeopathic Medical System is officially recognized by Government of Pakistan. The system of training, examination, award of diplomas in homeopathy and registration of homeopaths is controlled by National Council for Homeopathy. The Council works under the Ministry of Health, Government of Pakistan and is responsible for formulating policies related with homeopathic practice, conducting examinations, approving new homeopathic colleges and registering the practitioners.
To be eligible to practice homeopathy in Pakistan, one has to go through the following procedure:
  1. Undergo a four years’ training course that is “Diploma in Homeopathic Medical System (DHMS)” and qualify.
  2. Undergo apprenticeship with a qualified homeopath for six months to be eligible to get the Diploma.
  3. Registration by the National Council for Homeopathy as homeopathic medical
    practitioner, which is mandatory. In Pakistan, no one is allowed to practice
    homeopathy without this registration even if he/she holds the DHMS. Registration
    with the Council also makes a person eligible for the job of a homeopath in
    government hospitals in Pakistan.
There is no shortcut to this process.
In the year 2007, Pakistan had approximately 140,000 registered homeopaths and about 140 homeopathic colleges with an upward trend. By now this number must have increased considerably. There is also a constantly growing interest in getting homeopathic treatment for both chronic and acute diseases due to advantages of the system.
There are a good number of homeopathic pharmacies manufacturing standard homeopathic medicines, which are also exported. Homeopathic medicines are freely available in Pakistan and can be bought by anyone without prescription from the doctor. This is because they are safe to use.

History of Homeophaty

History of Homeopathy

The Founder of Homeopathy
Homeopathy's roots emerge from the findings, teachings and writings of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann  (1755-1843). Hahnemann graduated from medical school in 1779 and started his own medical practice. He soon began his first homeopathic experiments in 1790, as a result of his disillusionment with such common medical practices of the day as purging, bloodletting, and the use of toxic chemicals.
At one point, he gave up his own daily practice to begin working as a chemist while translating medical texts. It was when Hahnemann began working on a project to translate William Cullen's Materia Medica into German that he began his quest for a better way of providing healthcare using the principles of "Similars." While working on this project, he became fascinated with a species of South American tree-bark (cinchona) which was being used to treat malaria-induced fever. Hahnemann ingested the bark and discovered that it caused symptoms similar to malaria. He continued his research into "cures" and the idea of "similar suffering," and began compiling his findings. Similia similibus curentur, the Latin phrase meaning "let likes be cured by likes," is the primary principle of homeopathy. A homeopath searches for a substance that produces in a healthy person those same symptoms a patient experiences.
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